Hard metal disease, sometimes described as interstitial fibrosis, is a devastating pulmonary condition. We have represented a number of clients in the carbide industry, over the years, who have contracted this insidious and crippling disease. The tungsten carbide utilized to manufacture drill bits and grinding wheels and other high density products settles into the lung causing scarring and restriction of the air sacs. The culprit is usually the cobalt which is utilized in the process. Even when carbide manufacturers implement reasonable safety procedures to avoid the problem, the disease may strike vulnerable individuals. From our experience, short-term or long-term employees can contract the disease. Smokers and non-smokers may acquire the disease.
We have found that it is critical to have our clients examined and treated by pulmonologists - physicians who specialize in pulmonary medicine.
There is only one way to halt the progression of the disease; namely, removal from the exposure to the ingredients of tungsten carbide.
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